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Remote Monitoring and Remediation Software  

Provides a simple, holistic view of all technology on the managed network, enabling support teams to be pre-emptive, responsive, and adaptive.


Single AV, UC, telephony, & IoT device dashboard 

  • Consolidates, organizes, and filters data​ for an “at-a-glance” view of:
    • system health​
    • device status
    • network path detection
  • Tracks live video conference call quality


Prevent system downtime and mitigate meeting disruptions

  • Persistent monitoring of system operations​
  • Anticipates potential issues, such as low battery and increasing device temperature
  • Push event notifications, such as device offline or power surge


Maximize uptime and productivity

  • Remote remediation​ – minimizes truck rolls, resolves technical issues or user errors quickly


Prevent service interruptions

  • Remotely update firmware, security patches, license renewals, and feature activations
Contact us today to learn more about our remote monitoring and remediation solutions.

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